This is 100% my favourite video I’ve made yet. Not because it’s the most entertaining, because I am finally talking about something close to my heart – protecting our planet.

Admittedly, sustainability has been a passion of mine only for about a year or so. Everyone knows you’re supposed to use less plastic, recycle, etc. But I don’t think you can truly understand the effect global warming and excess plastic consumption has on our earth until you see it firsthand.

About a year ago my boyfriend and I spent a month in Tulum, Mexico. When booking our trip, we were expecting a tropical paradise with crystal clear water and lush jungle. Sounded like a dream. Upon arrival, we saw a jungle filled with garbage and dark red water (that literally looked liked blood) teaming with seaweed, bugs, and trash. Not once in our entire month in Tulum did we swim in the ocean. 

This. Woke. Me. The. Fuck. Up.

I honestly can say I was a pretty wasteful person up until this trip to Tulum. Seeing a beautiful paradise destroyed because of my own laziness and wasteful habits was my breaking point.

Enough was enough.

After this trip Troy and I made big changes to move our lives to becoming more zero-waste. I will be talking about this more but thought I’d start with a few simple tips on how you can be less wasteful and keep tropical paradise… well, paradise.

Today’s vlog on simple sustainability tips shares what I saw in Bali (hint: it’s not clean beaches…) and how you can help prevent more beautiful beaches from being destroyed!

Hope you like this video on simple sustainability tips and make sure to leave it a thumbs up.


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