


Another beautiful day at Whistler Blackcomb 

Give me any choice in the world as to how I spend my free time? Chances are, this is it. I am 100% that person who is in bed before 10 pm on a Friday night so I can get up early and go skiing the next morning (I like to party, what can I say ?) It’s all about priorities and making the time to do what you love. After all, what on earth is the point if we can’t do the things we love in life? #realtalk

So make sure you take the time to do what you love, whatever that may be. The world will be a happier place for it.

On another note, lately I have had a badddd case of the travel bug. It has been far too long since I’ve gone on an adventure, so I am stoked to say that I have a few trips planned this month! Will be going to London this week (already preparing my English accent to annoy all the locals), and 2 weeks from now HAWAII!!!! Surfing all day every day? Yes please. All about it. Thinking about buying a new GoPro for that trip so I can take some gangster surfing pics. (lol) We will see.

Hope you all are having a great weekend! Happy Sunday 🙂



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