



Today I wanted to share my favourite tips on how to not overindulge at holiday dinner parties. The holiday season is such a wonderful time of year, because it provides us with the opportunity to spend lots of time with family and friends. I love it! Usually this quality time spent together is based around food — GOOD food. Because, tis’ the season! Every year even the healthiest of people completely abandon their regular healthy-eating routine and end up spending extra hours in the gym in January to make up for the excessive overindulgence. I don’t want you to have to do that! So, everyone, let’s remember the world balance this holiday season and keep ourselves in check… CHECK YO SELF! (Had to, sorry lol)

Appies will be the death of you during this holiday season. (<— seemed like an appropriate opening sentence.) Seriously they will! Think about it. At holiday parties, there are appies GALORE. You are so excited that all your favourite foods are in mini bite size form (because duh, everything is cuter when it is mini…) They look so innocent, cute and little. So you will casually have one bite, another, another, another, and ANOTHER. Because these seemingly innocent small bites are so delicious.

Nowww comes dinner. This is the moment when you usually realize how obscenely full you are. And it never makes any sense because everything you ate was so small! But, it adds ups my friends. Seriously. The applies will kill you. Having tons of mindless little snacks before a meal is totally unnecessary and will stop you from enjoying the best part of a dinner… the actual meal!

Here’s my philosophy. Skip the appies, and eat the damn cake. YES! Eat dessert! Having one reasonably portioned piece of dessert will be way less detrimental than an uninhibited amount of appetizers before dinner.

A few more tips on how to not completely lose it at a holiday dinner:

  • Don’t go to the event starving! Have a healthy snack right before you go to dinner. Like this Peanut Butter Apple snack.
  • Keep a glass of wine in your hand all night! That’s right everyone, wine in your hand, ALL. NIGHT. LONG. (lol) It will keep your hands busy and stop you from reaching for those tempting appies.
  • Treat yourself, but only to your most favourite things. There is no point having a dessert if you don’t even like it. Don’t eat something just because it is there; eat it because you genuinely love it!
  • If an event is “appies only” (no dinner portion,) same goes as above! Pick your absolute FAVE appies, and just eat those. Don’t try one of everything, because chances are you don’t even like half the food anyways haha. 
  • Focus on your friends and family! After all that is why you are there. Make sure you are paying more attention to your conversations than your food. 

Keeping yourself Skinny Belle during the holiday season will allow you feel great while still enjoying all the best things about the holidays. The above tips are just my favourite ways to make sure I can enjoy all my favourite treats, without overindulging. After all, everything in moderation! You should be enjoying the holidays and all the fab things that come along with them, but not at the expense of your health. 






  1. Great tips and tricks. I too eat before I go so that I don’t over indulge. I also try to work through the crowd and shake hands because me being a bit of a germophob will then not put anything in my mouth until my hands have been washed.

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