Hey bloggity friend 🙂

To say I am happy to be back in my semi-home, is an understatement. It feels so good to have a solid roof over my head for the next few months, and know where the heck i’ll be sleeping!

The travel life is awesome, but if I am being totally honest, I am a homebody. I like to cook,  be at home, and be comfortable. Lame? YES. True? Also yes.

Travel is one of the most culturally rewarding experiences you can have (imo.) I am never anything but thankful for all the travel I have been fortunate enough to do. But in this very moment, nothing sounds better than to get into my own bed and watch the new season of Bojack Horseman with Troy. Tonight is “date night” so maybe we will be extra bad and watch TWO episodes. #WILD

I know, I have you on the edge of your seat.

But really. Right now I am so happy to just be here, and live our life.

I’m sure by the next time I post I will be like oMGGGGGG I NEED TO TRAVEL! EXPLORE! GO PLACES!!!!!! Because, that’s just how I am. But for tonight… being back at home is perfect.

k I feel like this post got unusually deep tonight. But i’ve also had half a bottle of wine at dinner so this all needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

On another random note we tried a new Italian spot in Santa Monica for date night. They had an EXTENSIVE  cheese menu (winning) and I specifically asked them to bring the stinkiest/most foot smelling cheese on the menu and it was SO BLAND. I thought they brought the wrong order. Apparently I am the only girl in LA who can handle really smelly cheese.

This is the most random blog ever. Sorry lol. We started with be getting all emotional, and now we are talking about foot smelling cheese.

Whatever. These are the realities of my life hahaha.


Bojack awaits. If you are kind of dark sometimes but also love smart humour, watch Bojack Horseman. You will need an episode or 3 to get over the fact that they all have animal heads but it’s worth it. So good.


Kiss kiss!


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