Birthday glam tutorial! <3
How did this happen? I’m freaking out.
Every birthday over the age of 25 just gets worse. I swear. I’m not even willing to type out how old I’m turning because teens will think I am ancient. Teens, do you read my blog? I feel like you don’t….. 15 year olds thing anyone over 20 is soooooooo old. *cue eyeroll* I know this because one time I told my 14 year old cousin that “I really liked instagram” and she told me “instagram is for old people.” I laughed it off like it was no big deal (because I am obviously a chill/cool/hip older cousin), but I really went home and cried.
The entire experience was V traumatic.
To console my rapidly aging self…
***PAUSE FOR DISCLAIMER*** to anyone reading this who is older than me and thinking “you little piece of sh*t you are so young”….. 1) You remember what it was like when you suddenly went from your early 20’s nearing 30. PRACTICE EMPATHY MY FRIENDS. 🙏🏻 2) I know 27 is actually SO YOUNG it’s cray cray. I am just being dramatic/jokey/this is all in good fun. 😝
*Back to the regularly scheduled programming*
To console my rapidly aging self, I made this video on how I’m gonna glam myself UP for my birthday this Sunday! And, more importantly, I made this video so everyone knows my birthday is coming and sends gifts. 😉
Anywho, this makeup tutorial is a bit longer than I normally do, but it is honestly SO HARD to fit a full face glam into under 10 mins, PLUS this time I did two different first impressions in the video as well. One of which was the Sephora birthday gift for this year. Which is V relevant cuz you need to know what to pick when your birthday comes!!
Lots of good stuff in this one.
Take a gander, and if you like the tutorial pretty pleaseeeeeeee go to Skinny Belle Youtube and throw a thumbs up on this bad boy. It helps a lot. And it makes me feel happeh inside. V V happeh. 😊
Happy Birthday!